Asset Management

Asset management is a very useful tool for both PreciousIT as a manage service provider and the customer to not only see what hardware and software is being used internally but also to see how and where this hardware is being deployed.

Streamline Support

By having a complete breakdown of your IT assets, supporting any issues becomes a much easier task as we will have all the necessary information to hand allowing us to drill down to the root cause much easier and quicker

Improve Efficiency

Once your PreciousIT adds IT asset tracking information to help desk tickets, we can start using that information to gather performance data and generate data-driven insights. IT asset tracking information helps you determine which devices are consistently causing issues.

We can then plan a proactive approach into getting this fixed allow

Armed with these insights from an N-central and MSP Manager integration, you can start allocating resources more efficiently and make sure your technicians are using their time effectively. You can also gain an understanding of how issues affect your profits and begin to optimize your workflows to maximize revenue.